The Wall of Birds

One Planet, 243 Families, 375 Million Years

The Wall Of Birds
tells the remarkable story of artist Jane Kim's 2,500 square-foot mural celebrating the diversity and evolution of birds at The Cornell Lab of Ornithology. The mural, which took two-and-a-half years to create, is the only in the world to showcase all 243 modern families of birds, with each creature painted life size, from the tiny Marvelous Spatuletail hummingbird to the 30-foot Yutyrannus. Throughout the book, beautifully crafted narratives and intimate artistic reflections tell of the evolutionary forces that created birds' dazzling variety of forms and colors, and reveal powerful lessons about birds that are surprisingly relevant to contemporary human challenges. The Wall of Birds is a visual feast, essential for those who love art, birds, and our natural world.